Wednesday, May 1, 2013

In the Springtime of our Stress

Spring time is a stressful time in the mountains of Colorado.

We wait all winter, just skiing to pass the time, then we wait a bit more for the waters to start flowing.  Then everything runs... several all at once.

I have spent hours upon hours studying gauges and books, stressing myself out.  Obsessing over every cfs fluctuation, imagining rivulets of melting snow flowing together, getting held up behind some fallen wood until rushing forth once again.  I feel I'm almost willing it to flow to where we can float in the new waters.

Then there is the coordinating.  Calling, texting, messaging via any of half a dozen social media sites.  Waiting to hear back.  Trying to rally a crew that's scattered over many hundreds of miles of Colorado.  What to paddle?  When? Who with?  Who has what kind of a car for a shuttle?  Do I need to have the dogs looked after while I go camp for a weekend, or can they come with me?

We all know it won't last for long once it starts.  Even sooner, at least for me, work will start up in earnest once the commercial rafting starts up on the Ark and I won't have the luxury of taking off any three of the best days.

Yesterday I was hiking low water laps on the Pine Creek rapid, now today it's snowing.

Spring is stressful in the mountains Colorado....

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